Our Services

How we can help

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

Your brain relies on your muscles, joints, and skin to understand where your body parts are in 3D space. Proprioceptors are sensors in your muscles, joints, and skin that tell your brain about the position of every muscle and joint. When these sensors function abnormally due to trauma, misuse, or genetics, you may experience symptoms like pain, tight muscles, dizziness, or incoordination. We offer multiple interventions aimed at improving proprioception and rehabilitating your musculoskeletal issues.

There are many ways to rehabilitate musculoskeletal dysfunction. Many of them can be done on your own, such as stretching, physical exercise, foam rolling, coordination exercises, and balance exercises. Other interventions may require the help of a musculoskeletal specialist. Common beneficial treatments may include chiropractic care, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, myofascial release, fitness training, electrical stimulation, cold laser therapy, cupping, and more.

Our program integrates specific chiropractic care, myofascial release, cold laser therapy, electrical stimulation, and other in-office physical therapy modalities to improve your musculoskeletal health. We also advise you on relevant physical exercises, stretches, coordination exercises, and balance exercises to practice on your own. If we believe that you would benefit from a form of musculoskeletal care that we do not offer, we are happy to guide you towards the correct manual practitioner for you!

Vestibular Rehabilitation

 The vestibular system helps your brain understand where your head is in 3D space, and contributes to your overall balance, posture, and spatial awareness. It consists of a system of fluid-filled tubes (called semicircular canals) located in your inner ear. When you move your head, the fluid in the semicircular canals washes up against sensors, which tells your brain which direction your head has moved. You may experience symptoms if there is an issue with the vestibular system itself (called a peripheral vestibular dysfunction), or if there is an issue with the brain’s connection to the vestibular system (called a central vestibular dysfunction). 

Vestibular dysfunction commonly leads to symptoms of dizziness/vertigo, imbalance, tight muscles, and pain. In certain cases it may also lead to anxiety. The type of symptom you experience helps to determine whether there is an issue with the vestibular system itself (peripheral), or with the brain’s connection to the vestibular system (central). We help rehabilitate the vestibular system by teaching you targeted head/body movement exercises and/or balance exercises. 

Certain vestibular conditions, such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) can often be treated within 1-2 sessions. Other vestibular conditions may take a significant amount of time to rehabilitate. In some instances, nutritional interventions may be recommended. Sometimes additional testing with another specialist is required to help diagnose vestibular issues. We will help guide you to the proper specialist, if necessary. 

Specificity is key when retraining the vestibular system. Sometimes generalized vestibular therapies are beneficial, but often a tailored approach is necessary to stabilize your vestibular system appropriately. We do our best to design a customized vestibular exercise routine that gives you the best chance of improvement.

Eye-Motion Rehabilitation

There’s more to seeing clearly than making sure your lens prescription is up to date. The way that your eyes move is also extremely important when it comes to maintaining proper vision. When the eyes do not move accurately or in sync with each other you may experience blurred/double vision, abnormal depth perception, eye strain/fatigue, tight muscles, head pain, eye pain, and more. Eye motion abnormalities can arise when an eye muscle is weak, when there is trauma to the eye, or due to brain dysfunction. Sometimes these issues are acquired at birth. Other times they may come on later in life.

Our program helps identify any eye motion abnormalities, as well as the cause of those abnormalities, using state-of-the-art technology that records and graphs your eye movements. You will then learn eye-motion therapies specific to your dysfunction, if necessary. We will also help guide you to the proper eye specialist for additional testing and treatment, if deemed appropriate.

Hormonal Interventions

Nutritional and hormonal issues can lead to fatigue, weight-gain, pain, brain fog, mood abnormalities, and more. These issues also make it harder for us to build stability in your brain through rehabilitation. We try our hardest to improve your nutrition and hormonal balance as non-invasively as possible. 
To begin, you will typically receive nutritional advice, as most people can maintain a healthy internal environment simply by eating the right types and amounts of food. In certain cases, supplements may be recommended to assist your body. We will only recommend reputable products from reputable companies. While you may be able to order supplements through Nexus Brain Center, we have no direct affiliations with any supplement manufacturers. 
Nutritional plans will usually begin with an elimination-style diet. You will avoid foods that may be contributing to your condition for a certain time. You will then add those foods back into your diet one at a time to gauge your sensitivity to each type of food. If necessary, you may also be sent out for various tests, such as blood chemistry analysis or food sensitivity/allergy panels. 

Assessing and modifying hormone balance typically requires laboratory testing. You may take an at-home urinalysis and saliva sample or be sent out for a blood test to gather as much information as possible. The goal of this testing is to provide us with your hormone levels, but also various co-factors involved in building up or breaking down your hormones. This added information helps identify WHY a certain hormone level might be abnormal. 

This approach allows us to prescribe supplements that provide your body with the building blocks it needs to operate normally on its own, rather than more-invasive approaches like hormone replacement therapy. The goal of the hormone treatment is to “reset” your hormone cycle. Re-testing will be recommended periodically to track your improvement. Ideally you will not be taking your supplements in perpetuity. These supplement regimens typically last between 6-24 months depending on your condition.

Of course, if we are concerned about any of your hormonal or nutritional testing, or if you aren’t seeing positive results, he will gladly help guide you to the proper endocrinologist, functional medicine practitioner, or registered dietitian.

Who we treat

Non-invasive solutions for some of the most common neurological conditions.

We offer rehabilitative options that may help with: